segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2018
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apreender sempre,
certeza absoluta nunca,
compreender a imperfeições,
males da humanidade,
Perfeição não existe,
ponderações de final de ano,
saber evoluir,
somos imperfeitos por natureza
quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2018
Esperanças e frustrações, votos de sucesso ao Presidente eleito, Jair Bolsonaro.
As gerações nascidas de brasileiros e
brasileiras nas décadas de quarenta e anteriores ainda vivas e pensantes devem
mais uma vez refazer esperanças, afinal “a esperança é a última que morre”.
Passamos por diversas utopias num país
que após a chegada de Cabral foi colônia, monarquia, república federativa,
fascista, ditaduras, república direitista ou esquerdista conforme a época,
conservadora ou outras coisas, de modo geral produto de um povo “esperto” e
Chegamos ao extremo (?? Sempre pode
piorar) da desmoralização, violência, miséria material e intelectual, pobreza
contida em alguns lugares com esmolas institucionais, demagogia e no fosso de
dívidas absurdas.
Tivemos grandes projetos, e a
qualidade? Custos? Honestidade?
A vitória do ex-deputado Jair
Bolsonaro foi emblemática. Os grandes partidos políticos e outros que tinham
lideranças tradicionais sumiram. Perderam a Presidência, mas ganharam
legisladores etc.
Sentimos agora que a santidade não é
própria dos políticos, mas a vontade e a força explícita ou implícita do
Presidente eleito parecem ser imensas. Poderemos voltar ao patamar das nações
respeitadas, desde que no realismo dos impérios (não queiramos inventar
soluções impossíveis, heterodoxas, repelidas por aqueles que governam o Mundo).
Nosso povo, mais do que nunca, deve
lembrar que o cérebro sadio pode governar o corpo nacional, principalmente se
tiver a humildade de escolher bem seus conselheiros.
Tudo indica que vamos sair desse
labirinto com remédios amargos. O maná não caiu aqui.
Mais uma vez os jovens rebeldes de
décadas passadas que sobreviveram poderão ajustar paradigmas.
Aqui ou em qualquer lugar do planeta
Terra o ser humano é imperfeito, mas sobrevive graças a gênios que em algum
momento e em algum lugar souberam corrigir longas caminhadas...
Ao final de 2018, ano terrível, resta
desejar a todos um feliz ano novo e a aceitação de mais trabalho e menos
Em tempo, cuidado com o reducionismo
maldoso de ver inimigos simplesmente pelas opções que fizeram, quando honestas.
Eng. João Carlos Cascaes
Curitiba, 27-12-2018
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Brasil 2019,
Brasil e Lava Jato,
Jair Bolsonaro,
mudança de paradigmas,
Seriedade e Competência
quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2018
Sustentação dos impérios e ditadores

Conflitos e
ditadores (eleitos ou não)
Nada como
uma guerrinha e a instigação do ódio é mais eficaz para manter o povo sob cabrestão
e, quem sabe, ganhar uns trocados...
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bode expiatório,
grandes negócios escusos,
ignorância cultivada,
miséria e riqueza,
segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2018
QUEM TEM AMIGOS, TEM O BASTANTE! Quando descobrimos este conceito na prática, pelo apoio e união de todos ao nosso redor, tudo fica ainda mais fácil, mais suportável e motivador.
Geane Poteriko está
se sentindo agradecendo aos amigos, colegas professores e comunidade pelo apoio e solidariedade!
Quando descobrimos este conceito na prática, pelo apoio e união de todos ao nosso redor, tudo fica ainda mais fácil, mais suportável e motivador.
Quando descobrimos este conceito na prática, pelo apoio e união de todos ao nosso redor, tudo fica ainda mais fácil, mais suportável e motivador.
#Gratidão 💓 Gostaria de agradecer a todos e todas que em São João do Ivaí, pessoal do Rotary Club e galera dos Trilheiros Sji, professores(as) nas escolas José de Mattos Leão e Colégio Arthur de Azevedo, e também na comunidade e na Escola de Godoy Moreira, por meio da mobilização de amigos(as), colegas de trabalho, pessoas conhecidas e também muitas pessoas que eu ainda não tive a oportunidade de conhecer, aos quais sou IMENSAMENTE GRATA 💓 Obrigada pela união ao promover ação #solidária com o objetivo de arrecadar recursos para me ajudar no custeio das cirurgias e demais gastos do meu tratamento. EU NÃO CONSIGO E NEM SABERIA CITAR TODOS OS NOMES, MAS RECEBAM MEU CARINHO E ABRAÇO DE GRATIDÃO!
"O sofrimento deve ser vivido quando vem, combatido quando precisa, mas todo sofrer culmina em vida nova..."
Que Deus abençoe a todos!
Obs: Deverei usar este fixador externo no pé por alguns meses, para consolidação óssea do calcaneo, estou ainda tratando infecção mas o quadro clínico apresenta melhora, apesar do inchaço e ainda presença de dor. Falta pouco para voltar a andar sem limitações! 😘💓
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domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2018
Pais irresponsáveis
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amar os filhos,
educar os filhos,
geração humana,
missão familiar,
pais irresponsáveis,
unir a família
terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018
Pronunciamento Completo de Sérgio Moro sobre ida ao Ministério da Just...
Publicado em 6 de nov de 2018
Coletiva Juiz Sérgio Moro Ministro da Justiça no Governo de Bolsonaro.
Apoie o meu trabalho no Youtube!
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Alguns dos melhores vídeos:
A maior Mentira do ano!
Felipe Neto: "Compre meu livrão pela 4ª vez." E O Presente de Natal de Grego do Felipe.
Como fazer um bom anúncio para divulgar seu canal no Youtube! Dicas para despertar o interesse.
Nova Denúncia Felipe Neto: Venda Casada no Golpe do Livrão!
O Felipe Neto manda no Treta News?
Ganhei o Processo! Juiz condena Felipe Neto e Luccas no Processo eles fizeram contra mim!
Vídeo Resposta a Felipe Neto #1. Falei tudo o que você sempre quis falar a ele!
Veja a Audiência que o Felipe Neto e o Luccas não foram, por medo das provas contra eles!
Denúncia: Black Friday FRAUDE Lojas Americanas 2017! As fraudes continuam...
William Waack não foi afastado da Globo por Racismo! Também perdeu Programa Painel na Globo News
#RogerioBetin #Bolsonaro #ForçaBolsonaro
Apoie o meu trabalho no Youtube!
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Se inscreva em meu canal, para ser o primeiro a saber dos meus novos vídeos! Curta e compartilhe os vídeos! Obrigado!
Clique aqui para se inscrever:
Alguns dos melhores vídeos:
A maior Mentira do ano!
Felipe Neto: "Compre meu livrão pela 4ª vez." E O Presente de Natal de Grego do Felipe.
Como fazer um bom anúncio para divulgar seu canal no Youtube! Dicas para despertar o interesse.
Nova Denúncia Felipe Neto: Venda Casada no Golpe do Livrão!
O Felipe Neto manda no Treta News?
Ganhei o Processo! Juiz condena Felipe Neto e Luccas no Processo eles fizeram contra mim!
Vídeo Resposta a Felipe Neto #1. Falei tudo o que você sempre quis falar a ele!
Veja a Audiência que o Felipe Neto e o Luccas não foram, por medo das provas contra eles!
Denúncia: Black Friday FRAUDE Lojas Americanas 2017! As fraudes continuam...
William Waack não foi afastado da Globo por Racismo! Também perdeu Programa Painel na Globo News
#RogerioBetin #Bolsonaro #ForçaBolsonaro
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sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2018
Que falta fazem
Dia de Finados 2018
vamos aumentando e pranteando muitos familiares, amigos e amigas, conhecidos e
até alunos e alunas.
No Brasil a
violência no trânsito, de criminosos de todos os colarinhos e a insensibilidade
de “elites” retarda soluções que outros países mais desenvolvidos criaram e
Descansem em
paz, podem? Ele também, muitos deles, poderiam ter feito mais...
brasileiro é isso. Muita figuração e pouca realização.
maravilhosamente, podemos sinceramente chorar pela ausência de gente boa.
Que falta fazem...
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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alunos e alinas mortos,
Dia de Finados 2018,
familares queridos que morreram,
lembrando amigos,
Tempos de mudanças positivas

A corrupção
e a Lava Jato
O custo da
corrupção transcende os valores apontados.
No mundo
inteiro é visível o atavismo, a paixão pelos criminosos.
O resultado
é um tremendo prejuízo social, econômico, ético, moral, técnico etc.
Com certeza
a espécie de mamíferos que denominamos “seres humanos” precisa evoluir muito e
não simplesmente crescer fisicamente, um pesadelo ecológico.
Evoluir não
é simplesmente temer ou bajular um ser superior. Acima de tudo devemos entender
que a sobrevivência da Humanidade depende de amor ao próximo em todos os
sentidos e valorização da vida, da família, da EDUCAÇÃO sadia.
nos céus brasileiros surgem novas estrelas. Devem incomodar aqueles que gostam
de viver nas sombras.
Nosso povo
navega em mares extremamente perigosos. O que realmente necessitamos? Adorar deuses
vivos? Salvar o Brasil?
A nomeação
de bons ministros é o essencial em qualquer governo federal. Não simplesmente
agradar partidos desmoralizados.
De um jeito
ou de outro precisaremos de gente especial no comando do Brasil e Estados.
O navio ameaçava
Parabéns Presidente
eleito Jair Bolsonaro.
Sua Excia. surpreende
positivamente, muito além das nossas expectativas.
P.S: o
espírito e ações da Lava Jato não podem parar; fantástica a escolha do Juiz
Sérgio Moro para o Ministério da Justiça.
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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Brasil e Lava Jato,
Brasil podre,
Jair Bolsonaro,
Juiz Sérgio Moro,
necessidade de mudanças,
novas esperanças,
tradição podre
terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2018
Brasileiro ou
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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opções e nacionalismo,
ser ou não ser
quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2018
Poucas Alternativas - uma tragédia política?
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afastamento de candidatos importantes,
afunilamento e desespero,
dilemas terríveis,
história do Brasil,
Lava Jato,
lideranças egocêntricas,
mídia e pesquisas,
povo querendo segurança
sexta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2018
o amor de Pitua e Tutuca - no Dia das Criançass
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Em regimes políticos com liberdade de imprensa o jornalismo investigativo é uma realidade importantíssima, é bom conhecer a história do WP
The Washington Post
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
The Washington Post (literalmente "O Correio de Washington"), mais conhecido por Washington Post, ou até mesmo por Post, é um jornal diário estadunidense. É o jornal de maior circulação publicado em Washington, DC, e foi fundado em 6 de Dezembro de 1877, tornando-o mais antigo jornal existente da área.[1]
Localizado na capital dos Estados Unidos, o jornal tem uma ênfase particular na política nacional. As edições diárias são impressas para o Distrito de Columbia, Maryland e Virginia. O jornal é publicado no formato standard, com fotografias impressas, tanto em cores quanto em preto e branco.
O jornal ganhou 47 prêmios Pulitzer. Isto inclui seis Pulitzers separados concedidas em 2008, o segundo maior número já concedido a um único jornal em um ano.[2] No início dos anos 1970, no episódio mais conhecido na história do jornal, os repórteres Bob Woodward e Carl Bernstein lideraram a investigação da imprensa estadunidense "no que se tornou conhecido como o escândalo de Watergate; relatando que jornal contribuiu grandemente para a renúncia do presidente Richard Nixon.
Em 2013, os proprietários de longa data da família Graham venderam o jornal para Jeff Bezos por 250 milhões de dólares em dinheiro. O jornal é propriedade de Nash Holdings LLC, uma empresa holding de Bezos criada especialmente para a aquisição.[3][4][5]
- Ir para cima↑ «The Washington Post — 134 years young - The Washington Post». The Washington Post. 6 de dezembro de 2011. Consultado em 20 de março de 2016.
- Ir para cima↑ Kurtz, Howard (8 de abril de 2008). «The Post Wins 6 Pulitzer Prizes». The Washington Post. Consultado em 8 de agosto de 2008.
- Ir para cima↑ CBN Internacional] (8 de agosto de 2013). «'Washington Post' será vendido para fundador da Amazon por US$ 250 milhões». Consultado em 5 de agosto de 2013.
- Ir para cima↑ O Globo (8 de agosto de 2013). «Jeff Bezos compra o 'Washington Post' por US$ 250 milhões». Consultado em 5 de agosto de 2013.
- Ir para cima↑ G1 (8 de agosto de 2013). «Presidente da Amazon vai comprar o 'Washington Post'». Consultado em 5 de agosto de 2013.
he Washington Post is regarded as one of the leading daily American newspapers,[12] along with The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and The Wall Street Journal. The Post has distinguished itself through its political reporting on the workings of the White House, Congress, and other aspects of the U.S. government.
Unlike The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post does not print an edition for distribution away from the East Coast. In 2009, the newspaper ceased publication of its National Weekly Edition, which combined stories from the week's print editions, due to shrinking circulation.[13] The majority of its newsprint readership is in the District of Columbia and its suburbs in Marylandand Northern Virginia.[14]
The newspaper is one of a few U.S. newspapers with foreign bureaus, located in Beirut, Berlin, Beijing, Bogotá, Cairo, Hong Kong, Islamabad, Jerusalem, Kabul, London, Mexico City, Moscow, Nairobi, New Delhi, Paris, and Tokyo.[15] In November 2009, it announced the closure of its U.S. regional bureaus—Chicago, Los Angeles and New York—as part of an increased focus on "...political stories and local news coverage in Washington."[16]The newspaper has local bureaus in Maryland (Annapolis, Montgomery County, Prince George's County, Southern Maryland) and Virginia (Alexandria, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Richmond, and Prince William County).[17]
As of May 2013, its average weekday circulation was 474,767, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, making it the seventh largest newspaper in the country by circulation, behind USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Daily News, and the New York Post. While its circulation (like that of almost all newspapers) has been slipping, it has one of the highest market-penetration rates of any metropolitan news daily.[18]
For many decades, the Post had its main office at 1150 15th Street NW. This real estate remained with Graham Holdings when the newspaper was sold to Jeff Bezos' Nash Holdings in 2013. Graham Holdings sold 1150 15th Street (along with 1515 L Street, 1523 L Street, and land beneath 1100 15th Street) for US$159 million in November 2013. The Washington Post continued to lease space at 1150 L Street NW.[19] In May 2014, The Washington Post leased the west tower of One Franklin Square, a high-rise building at 1301 K Street NW in Washington, D.C. The newspaper moved into their new offices December 14, 2015.[20]
Publishing service[edit]
Arc Publishing is a department of the Post, which provides the publishing system, Arc, software for news organizations such as the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.[21]
Founding and early period[edit]
The newspaper was founded in 1877 by Stilson Hutchins (1838–1912) and in 1880 added a Sunday edition, becoming the city's first newspaper to publish seven days a week. In 1889, Hutchins sold the newspaper to Frank Hatton, a former Postmaster General, and Beriah Wilkins, a former Democratic congressman from Ohio. To promote the newspaper, the new owners requested the leader of the United States Marine Band, John Philip Sousa, to compose a march for the newspaper's essay contest awards ceremony. Sousa composed "The Washington Post".[22] It became the standard music to accompany the two-step, a late 19th-century dance craze,[23] and remains one of Sousa's best-known works.
In 1893, the newspaper moved to a building at 14th and E streets NW, where it would remain until 1950. This building combined all functions of the newspaper into one headquarters – newsroom, advertising, typesetting, and printing – that ran 24 hours per day.[24]
In 1898, during the Spanish–American War, the Post printed Clifford K. Berryman's classic illustration Remember the Maine, which became the battle-cry for American sailors during the War. In 1902, Berryman published another famous cartoon in the Post—Drawing the Line in Mississippi. This cartoon depicts President Theodore Roosevelt showing compassion for a small bear cub and inspired New York store owner Morris Michtom to create the teddy bear.[25]
Wilkins acquired Hatton's share of the newspaper in 1894 at Hatton's death. After Wilkins' death in 1903, his sons John and Robert ran the Post for two years before selling it in 1905 to John Roll McLean, owner of the Cincinnati Enquirer. During the Wilson presidency, the Post was credited with the "most famous newspaper typo" in D.C. history according to Reason magazine; the Post intended to report that President Wilson had been "entertaining" his future-wife Mrs. Galt, but instead wrote that he had been "entering" Mrs. Galt.[26][27][28]
When John McLean died in 1916, he put the newspaper in trust, having little faith that his playboy son Edward "Ned" McLean could manage his inheritance. Ned went to court and broke the trust, but, under his management, the newspaper slumped toward ruin. He bled the paper for his lavish lifestyle, and used it to promote political agendas.[29]
Meyer–Graham period[edit]
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In 1929, financier Eugene Meyer (who had run the War Finance Corp. since World War I[30]) secretly made an offer of $5 million for the Post, but he was rebuffed by Ned McLean.[31][32] On June 1, 1933, Meyer bought the paper at a bankruptcy auction for $825,000 three weeks after stepping down as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. He had bid anonymously, and was prepared to go up to $2 million, far higher than the other bidders.[33][34] These included William Randolph Hearst, who had long hoped to shut down the ailing Post to benefit his own Washington newspaper presence.[35]
The Post's health and reputation were restored under Meyer's ownership. In 1946, he was succeeded as publisher by his son-in-law, Philip Graham.[36] Meyer eventually got the last laugh over Hearst, who had owned the old Washington Times and the Herald before their 1939 merger that formed the Times-Herald. This was in turn bought by and merged into the Post in 1954.[37] The combined paper was officially named The Washington Post and Times-Herald until 1973, although the Times-Herald portion of the nameplate became less and less prominent over time. The merger left the Post with two remaining local competitors, the Washington Star(Evening Star) and the Washington Daily News which merged together in 1972, forming the Washington Star-News.[38][39] This had again become simply the Washington Star by the time it closed on August 7, 1981, leaving the Post as the only major daily in Washington for almost a year. On May 17, 1982, Unification Churchleader Sun Myung Moon began publishing the current Washington Times, a conservative daily broadsheetwhich has always had a circulation only a fraction of the Post's. In 2005, conservative competition increased slightly with the founding of the free tabloid daily The Washington Examiner, which switched to a weekly magazine format in 2013. But the Post, with a far larger presence locally and now nationally as well, has remained Washington's dominant paper since the 1960s.

The Monday, July 21, 1969, edition, with the headline "'The Eagle Has Landed'—Two Men Walk on the Moon"
After Phil Graham's death in 1963, control of The Washington Post Company passed to his wife Katharine Graham (1917–2001), who was also Eugene Meyer's daughter. Few women had run nationally prominent newspapers in the United States. Katharine Graham described her own anxiety and lack of confidence based on her gender in her autobiography. She served as publisher from 1969 to 1979[40]and headed The Washington Post Company into the early 1990s as chairman of the board and CEO. After 1993, she retained a position as chairman of the executive committee until her death in 2001.
Her tenure is credited with seeing the newspaper rise in national stature through effective investigative reporting after it began to live down its reputation as a house organ for the Kennedy and Johnson administration, working to ensure that The New York Times did not surpass its Washington reporting of the Pentagon Papers and Watergate scandal.
Graham took The Washington Post Company public on June 15, 1971 in the midst of the Pentagon Papers controversy. A total of 1,294,000 shares were offered to the public at $26 per share.[41][42] By the end of Graham's tenure as CEO in 1991, the stock was worth $888 per share, not counting the effect of an intermediate 4:1 stock split.[43]
During this time, Graham also oversaw the Post company's diversification purchase of the for-profit education and training company Kaplan, Inc. for $40 million in 1984.[44] Twenty years later, Kaplan had surpassed the Post newspaper as the company's leading contributor to income, and by 2010 Kaplan accounted for more than 60% of the entire company revenue stream.[45]
Executive editor Ben Bradlee, a Kennedy loyalist, put the newspaper's reputation and resources behind reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who, in a long series of articles, chipped away at the story behind the 1972 burglary of Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex in Washington. The Post's dogged coverage of the story, the outcome of which ultimately played a major role in the resignation of President Richard Nixon, won the newspaper a Pulitzer Prize in 1973.
In 1972, the "Book World" section was introduced with Pulitzer Prize–winning critic William McPherson as its first editor.[46] It featured Pulitzer Prize–winning critics such as Jonathan Yardley and Michael Dirda, the latter of whom established his career as a critic at the Post. In 2009, after 37 years, with great reader outcries and protest, The Washington Post Book World as a standalone insert was discontinued, the last issue being Sunday, February 15, 2009,[47] along with a general reorganization of the paper, such as placing the Sunday editorials on the back page of the main front section rather than the "Outlook" section and distributing some other locally oriented "op-ed" letters and commentaries in other sections.[48] However, book reviews are still published in the Outlook section on Sundays and in the Style section the rest of the week, as well as online.[48]
In 1980, the newspaper published a dramatic story called "Jimmy's World",[49] describing the life of an eight-year-old heroin addict in Washington, for which reporter Janet Cooke won acclaim and a Pulitzer Prize. Subsequent investigation, however, revealed the story to be a fabrication. The Pulitzer Prize was returned.
Donald E. Graham, Katharine's son, succeeded her as publisher in 1979[40] and in the early 1990s became both chief executive officer and chairman of the board. He was succeeded in 2000 as publisher and CEO by Boisfeuillet Jones Jr., with Graham remaining as chairman.
Katharine Weymouth, Donald Graham's niece, served as publisher and chief executive officer from 2008 until 2014, when Jeff Bezos took over ownership of the paper.
Jeff Bezos era (2013–present)[edit]
The Post made its own major news in 2013 when Jeff Bezos purchased the paper for US$250 millioncash.[50][2][51] The newspaper is now owned by Nash Holdings LLC controlled by Bezos.[50] The sale also included some other local publications, websites and real estate.[52][53][54] After the sale the Washington Post Co. became Graham Holdings Company[10][55]
Bezos said he has a vision that recreates "the 'daily ritual' of reading the Post as a bundle, not merely a series of individual stories..."[56] He has been described as a "hands-off owner," holding teleconference calls with executive editor Martin Baron every two weeks.[57] Bezos appointed Fred Ryan (founder and CEO of Politico) to serve as Publisher and CEO of the Post. This signaled Bezos’ intent to shift the Post to a more digital focus with a national and global readership.[58]
In 2014, the Post announced it was moving from 1150 15th Street to a leased space three blocks away at One Franklin Square on K Street.[59] In recent years the Post launched an online personal finance section,[60] as well as a blog and a podcast with a retro theme.[61][62]
Political stance[edit]
When financier Eugene Meyer bought the bankrupt Post in 1933, he assured the public he wouldn't be beholden to any party.[63] But as a leading Republican (it was his old friend Herbert Hoover who had made him Fed Chairman in 1930), his opposition to FDR's New Deal colored the paper's editorial stance as well as its news coverage. This included editorializing "news" stories written by Meyer under a fake name.[64][65][66] His wife Agnes Ernst Meyer was a journalist from the other end of the spectrum politically. The Post ran many of her pieces including tributes to her personal friends John Dewey and Saul Alinsky.[67][68][69][70]
Eugene Meyer became head of the World Bank in 1946, and he named his son-in-law Phil Graham to succeed him as Post publisher. The post-war years saw the developing friendship of Phil and Kay Graham with the Kennedys, the Bradlees and the rest of the "Georgetown Set" (many Harvard alumni) that would color the Post's political orientation.[71] Kay Graham's most memorable Georgetown soirée guest list included British diplomat/communist spy Donald Maclean.[72][73]
The Post is credited with inventing the term "McCarthyism" in a 1950 editorial cartoon by Herbert Block.[74]Depicting buckets of tar, it made fun of Sen. Joseph McCarthy's "tarring" tactics, i.e., smear campaigns and character assassination against those targeted by his accusations. Sen. McCarthy was attempting to do for the Senate what the House Un-American Activities Committee had been doing for years — investigating Soviet espionage in America. The HUAC made Richard Nixon nationally known for his role in the Hiss/Chambers case that exposed communist spying in the State Department. The committee had evolved from the McCormack-Dickstein Committee of the 1930s.[75]
Phil Graham's friendship with JFK remained strong until their untimely deaths in 1963.[76] FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover reportedly told the new President Lyndon B. Johnson, "I don't have much influence with the Postbecause I frankly don't read it. I view it like the Daily Worker."[77][78]
Ben Bradlee became the editor-in-chief in 1968, and Kay Graham officially became the publisher in 1969, paving the way for the aggressive reporting of the Pentagon Papers and Watergate scandals. In the mid-1970s, some conservatives referred to the Post as "Pravda on the Potomac" because of its perceived left-wing bias in both reporting and editorials.[79] Since then, the appellation has been used by both liberal and conservative critics of the newspaper.[80][81]
In Buying the War on PBS, Bill Moyers noted 27 editorials supporting George W. Bush's ambitions to invade Iraq. National security correspondent Walter Pincus reported that he had been ordered to cease his reports that were critical of Republican administrations.[82] According to author and journalist Greg Mitchell, "By the Post'sown admission, in the months before the war, it ran more than 140 stories on its front page promoting the war, while contrary information 'got lost', as one Post staffer told Kurtz."[83]
On March 26, 2007, Chris Matthews said on his television program, "Well, The Washington Post is not the liberal newspaper it was, Congressman, let me tell you. I have been reading it for years and it is a neoconnewspaper".[84] It has regularly published an ideological mixture of op-ed columnists, some of them left-leaning (including E. J. Dionne, Dana Milbank, Greg Sargent, and Eugene Robinson), and many on the right (including George Will, Marc Thiessen, Michael Gerson and Charles Krauthammer, who continued writing columns until shortly before his death in 2018).
In a study published on April 18, 2007, by Yale professors Alan Gerber, Dean Karlan, and Daniel Bergan, citizens were given a subscription to either the conservative-leaning Washington Times or the liberal-leaning Washington Post to see the effect that media has on voting patterns. Gerber had estimated based on his work that the Post slanted as much to the left as the Times did to the right. Gerber found those who were given a free subscription of the Post were 7.9–11.4% more likely to vote for the Democratic candidate for governor than those assigned to the control group, depending on the adjustment for the date on which individual participants were surveyed and the survey interviewer; surprisingly, however, people who received the Times were also more likely than controls to vote for the Democrat, with an effect approximately 60% as large as that estimated for the Post.[85][86] The study authors noted that sampling error might have played a role in the effect of the conservative-leaning Times, as might the fact that the Democratic candidate took more conservative-leaning positions than is typical for his party, and "the month prior to the post-election survey was a difficult period for President Bush, one in which his overall approval rating fell by approximately 4 percentage points nationwide. It appears that heightened exposure to both papers’ news coverage, despite opposing ideological slants, moved public opinion away from Republicans."[86]
In November 2007, the newspaper was criticized by independent journalist Robert Parry for reporting on anti-Obama chain e-mails without sufficiently emphasizing to its readers the false nature of the anonymous claims.[87] In 2009, Parry criticized the newspaper for its allegedly unfair reporting on liberal politicians, including Vice President Al Gore and President Barack Obama.[88]
Responding to criticism of the newspaper's coverage during the run-up to the 2008 presidential election, former Post ombudsman Deborah Howell wrote: "The opinion pages have strong conservative voices; the editorial board includes centrists and conservatives; and there were editorials critical of Obama. Yet opinion was still weighted toward Obama."[89] According to a 2009 Oxford University Press book by Richard Davis on the impact of blogs on American politics, liberal bloggers link to The Washington Post and The New York Timesmore often than other major newspapers; however, conservative bloggers also link predominantly to liberal newspapers.[90]
In mid-September 2016, Matthew Ingram of Forbes joined Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept, and Trevor Trimm of The Guardian in cricitizing The Washington Post for "demanding that [former National Security Agency contractor Edward] Snowden ... stand trial on espionage charges".[91][92][93][94]
In December 2016, The Post published a story inaccurately stating that a Russian hacking operation had infiltrated the U.S. electrical grid; the claim was retracted in a revised version of the story, after the initial version had been widely circulated.[95][96]
In February 2017, amid a barrage of criticism from President Donald Trump over the paper's coverage of his campaign and early presidency as well as concerns among the American press about Trump's criticism and threats against journalists who provide coverage he deems unfavorable, the Post adopted the slogan "Democracy Dies in Darkness" for its masthead.[97]
Political endorsements[edit]
Katharine Graham wrote in her autobiography Personal History that the newspaper long had a policy of not making endorsements for political candidates. However, since at least 2000, the newspaper has occasionally endorsed Republican politicians, such as Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich.[98] In 2006, it repeated its historic endorsements of every Republican incumbent for Congress in Northern Virginia.[99] There have also been times when the Post has specifically chosen not to endorse any candidate, such as in the 1988 presidential election when it refused to endorse then-Governor Michael Dukakis or then-Vice President George H. W. Bush.[100] On October 17, 2008, the Post endorsed Barack Obama for President of the United States.[101] On October 25, 2012, the newspaper endorsed the re-election of Barack Obama.[102] The Post has endorsed Democrats for president during at least nine different presidential elections.[103] The paper has never endorsed a Republican for president.[103] On October 21, 2014, the newspaper endorsed 44 Democratic candidates versus 3 Republican candidates for the 2014 elections in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.[104]On October 13, 2016, it endorsed Hillary Clinton for the presidential election of that year.[105]
The Post's early endorsements in the 1978 elections for Maryland Governor (reformist Harry Hughes) and for D.C. Mayor (a young Marion Barry) allowed those candidates to tout their endorsements, thereby distinguishing them from an otherwise crowded field of big name candidates.
Criticism and controversies[edit]
Pay practices[edit]
In June 2018, over 400 employees of the Washington Post signed an open letter to owner Jeff Bezosdemanding "fair wages; fair benefits for retirement, family leave and health care; and a fair amount of job security." The open letter was accompanied by video testimonials from employees, who alleged "shocking pay practices" despite record growth in subscriptions at the newspaper, with salaries only rising an average of $10 per week, less than half the rate of inflation.[106] The petition followed on a year of unsuccessful negotiations between the Washington Post Guild and upper management over pay and benefit increases.[107]
PropOrNot article[edit]
In November 2016, the Post published a story that relied heavily on a report by PropOrNot, an anonymous internet group that seeks to expose what it calls Russian propaganda. PropOrNot published a list of websites they called "bona-fide 'useful idiots'" of the Russian government.[108] Andrew Cockburn, Washington editor for Harper's, was sharply critical of Post's decision to put the story on its front page, calling the article a "sorry piece of trash".[109] Writers in The Intercept, Fortune, and Rolling Stone also criticized Post for including a report by an organization with no reputation for fact-checking in an article on "fake news".[110][111][112] Looking more carefully into their methodology, Adrian Chen, staff writer for The New Yorker, argued that PropOrNot's criteria for establishing propaganda were so broad that they could have included "not only Russian state-controlled media organizations, such as Russia Today, but nearly every news outlet in the world, including the Post itself" on their list.[113]
Private "salon" solicitation[edit]
In July 2009, in the midst of intense debate over health care reform, The Politico reported that a health-care lobbyist had received an "astonishing" offer of access to the Post's "health-care reporting and editorial staff."[114] Post publisher Katharine Weymouth had planned a series of exclusive dinner parties or "salons" at her private residence, to which she had invited prominent lobbyists, trade group members, politicians and business people.[115] Participants were to be charged $25,000 to sponsor a single salon, and $250,000 to underwrite an annual series of 11 sessions, with the events being closed to the public and to the non-Postpress.[116] Politico's revelation sparked controversy in Washington, as it gave the impression that the parties' sole purpose was to allow a select group of Washington insiders and business people to purchase face timewith Post reporters. Here is how the full-color brochure described the event planned for July 21, 2009:
". . . [An] intimate and exclusive Washington Post Salon, an off-the-record dinner and discussion at the home of CEO and Publisher Katharine Weymouth. . . . Bring your organization's CEO or executive director literally to the table. Interact with key Obama Administration and Congressional leaders . . . Spirited? Yes. Confrontational? No. The relaxed setting in the home of Katharine Weymouth assures it. [Meet] health-care reporting and editorial staff members of The Washington Post . . . an exclusive opportunity to participate in the health-care reform debate among the select few . . ."[117]
Almost immediately following the disclosure, Weymouth canceled the salons and blamed the incident on the Post marketing department, saying, "This should never have happened." Post Executive Editor Marcus Brauchli said he was "appalled" by the plan, adding, "It suggests that access to Washington Post journalists was available for purchase."[117]
"Jimmy's World" fabrication[edit]
In September 1980, a Sunday feature story appeared on the front page of the Post titled "Jimmy's World" in which reporter Janet Cooke wrote a profile of the life of an eight-year-old heroin addict.[118] Although some within the Post doubted the story's veracity, the paper's editors defended it, and assistant managing editor Bob Woodward submitted the story for Pulitzer Prize consideration. Cooke was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing on April 13, 1981. The story was then found to be a complete fabrication, and the Pulitzer was returned.[119] In retrospect, Woodward made the following statement:
I think that the decision to nominate the story for a Pulitzer is of minimal consequence. I also think that it won is of little consequence. It is a brilliant story—fake and fraud that it is. It would be absurd for me or any other editor to review the authenticity or accuracy of stories that are nominated for prizes.[120]
Executive officers and editors (past and present)[edit]
Major stockholders
- Stilson Hutchins (1877–1889)
- Frank Hatton and Beriah Wilkins (1889–1905)
- McLean Family
- John R. McLean (1905–1916)
- Edward (Ned) McLean (1916–1933)
- Eugene Meyer (1933–1948)
- Graham Family (1948–2013)
- Nash Holdings (Jeff Bezos) (2013–Present)
- Stilson Hutchins (1877–1889)
- Beriah Wilkins (1889–1905)
- John R. McLean (1905–1916)
- Edward (Ned) McLean (1916–1933)
- Eugene Meyer (1933–1946)
- Philip L. Graham (1946–1961)
- John W. Sweeterman (1961–1968)
- Katharine Graham (1969–1979)
- Donald E. Graham (1979–2000)
- Boisfeuillet Jones Jr. (2000–2008)
- Katharine Weymouth (2008–2014)
- Frederick J. Ryan Jr. (2014–Present)
Executive Editors
- James Russell Wiggins (1955–1968)
- Ben Bradlee (1968–1991)
- Leonard Downie Jr. (1991–2008)
- Marcus Brauchli (2008–2012)[121]
- Martin Baron (2012–present)
Notable current staff[edit]
- Dan Balz (Chief correspondent — Washington, D.C.)[122]
- Robert Costa (Reporter — Washington, D.C.)[123]
- Karoun Demirjian (Reporter — Washington, D.C.)[124]
- David A. Fahrenthold (Reporter — Washington, D.C.)[125]
- Shane Harris (Intelligence Reporter — Washington, D.C.)[126]
- David Ignatius (Opinion writer — Washington, D.C.)[127]
- Carol D. Leonnig[128]
- Ruth Marcus (Deputy editorial page editor — Washington, D.C.)[129]
- Ashley Parker[130]
- Kathleen Parker (Opinion writer — Washington, D.C.)[131]
- Catherine Rampell (Opinion writer — Washington, D.C.)[132]
- Eugene Robinson (Opinion writer — Washington, D.C.)[133]
- Jennifer Rubin (Opinion writer — Washington, D.C.)[134]
- Philip Rucker[135]
- David Weigel[136]
- George F. Will (Opinion writer — Washington, D.C.)[137]
See also[edit]
- List of prizes won by The Washington Post
- The Post, 2017 film based on the publication of Pentagon Papers
- All the President's Men, 1974 book by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward about the Watergate scandal
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...Mrs. Edith Galt, who became the second wife of Woodrow Wilson ... She also figures in the most famous newspaper typo in D.C. history. The Washington Post ... Intending to report that Wilson had been entertaining Mrs. Galt in a loge at the National, early editions instead printed that he was seen entering her there.
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- Jump up^ Janet Cooke (September 28, 1980). "Jimmy's World". The Washington Post. Donald Graham. p. A1. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
- Jump up^ Mike Sager (Spring 2016), "The fabulist who changed journalism", Columbia Journalism Review
- Jump up^ Bill Green, ombudsman (April 19, 1981). "THE PRIZE: Of Fiefdoms and Their Knights and Ladies of Adventure". The Washington Post. p. A14. Retrieved 14 Sep 2018.
- Jump up^ Beaujon, Andrew (November 13, 2012). "Marcus Brauchli steps down as Washington Post executive editor, Marty Baron to take over". Poynter Institute. Retrieved May 12, 2016.
- Jump up^ "Dan Balz". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "Robert Costa". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "Karoun Demirjian". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "David A. Fahrenthold". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ WashPostPR (2017-12-21). "Shane Harris joins national desk as intelligence reporter". Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "David Ignatius". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "Carol D. Leonnig". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "Ruth Marcus". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "Ashley Parker". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "Kathleen Parker". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "Catherine Rampell". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "Eugene Robinson". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "Jennifer Rubin". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "Philip Rucker". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "David Weigel". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
- Jump up^ "George F. Will". Washington Post. Retrieved 2017-12-28.
Further reading[edit]
- Kelly, Tom. The imperial Post: The Meyers, the Grahams, and the paper that rules Washington (Morrow, 1983)
- Lewis, Norman P. "Morning Miracle. Inside the Washington Post: A Great Newspaper Fights for Its Life". Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly (2011) 88#1 pp: 219.
- Merrill, John C. and Harold A. Fisher. The world's great dailies: profiles of fifty newspapers (1980) pp 342–52
- Roberts, Chalmers McGeagh. In the shadow of power: the story of the Washington Post (Seven Locks Pr, 1989)
External links[edit]
Media from Wikimedia Commons
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Quotations from Wikiquote
Texts from Wikisource
Textbooks from Wikibooks
Learning resources from Wikiversity
Data from Wikidata
- Official website
- Today's The Washington Post front page at the Newseumwebsite
- "The Washington Post Company history"
- Scott Sherman, May 2002, "Donald Graham's Washington Post"Columbia Journalism Review. September / October 2002.
- Video Interview with then-Baghdad Bureau Chief Rajiv Chandrasekaran
- Jaffe, Harry. "Post Watch: Family Dynasty Continues with Katharine II", Washingtonian, February 26, 2008.
Current White House James S. Brady Press Briefing Room seating chart
Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Reporting (2001–2025)
Pulitzer Prize for Public Service (1951–1975)
Pulitzer Prize for Public Service (1976–2000)
Pulitzer Prize for Public Service (2001–2025)
- The Washington Post
- Daily newspapers published in the United States
- National newspapers published in the United States
- Newspapers published in Washington, D.C.
- Peabody Award winners
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- Pulitzer Prize-winning newspapers
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